Future Factory Website

The documentation for the source code of the Future Factory website

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This Django project does contain some settings (future_factory_website/settings.py) that are specific to the way it has been deployed. This page will explain these settings.

Setting Description
SECRET_KEY The secret key is taken from the environment variable DJANGO_KEY
DEBUG Based on whether the DEBUG environment variable is set to true, we run in a debug mode. Otherwise we run in production mode
BETA Based on whether the BETA environment variable is set to true, the application runs in beta mode.
ALLOWED_HOSTS The deployment server runs behind NGINX, which already does host checks. Hence we skip this on the Django side
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS Only these hosts may receive POST requests
DATABASES The databases are dynamically chosen based on the DEBUG variable. The production database assumes that there are environment variables available for the database name, user and password. The server is expected to be found on future_factory_db
QUILL_CONFIGS The rich text editor configuration. For more information see its documentation
STATIC_ROOT The location on the deployment server where the static files are stored (part of the code base like .js, .css files)
MEDIA_ROOT The location on the server where the media files are stored (uploaded by a user)
EMAIL_* Email related settings, more details can be found in the Django documentation

Environment variables

For safety reasons all secrets are loaded with the help of environment variables. The following are in use:

Value Description
DJANGO_KEY Used for the SECRET_KEY setting
DEBUG Used to determine whether we are running in debug mode
BETA Used to determine whether we are running in beta mode
POSTGRES_NAME The name of the database used in production mode
POSTGRES_USER The username to authenticate at the production database
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password for the production database
EMAIL_PASSWORD The password to the email account used for sending email