Future Factory Website

The documentation for the source code of the Future Factory website

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The front-end of this website has been written with the help of Bootstrap, jQuery and Themify Icons. Furthermore, the website is based of a template provided by DevCRUD (https://devcrud.com).

In order to update the generated .css and .js files NodeJS in a combination with gulp.js is being used.

When working on the front-end you can find all the images, stylesheets and other files inside the /static/public_htnl/assets folder. When you’re done with editing, and you want to see the result locally follow the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal inside of /static.
  2. If node_modules is not yet in this directory, run npm install
  3. Run npm start clean, removing all the old production files.
  4. Run npm start build, this will start compiling the (s)css, js, compressing images etc. This will take some time, if you only want to update for example the css, you can do so by running npm start css and then npm start scss.


This is a note for the person that is responsible for deploying any updates. When asset files have been updated they might not always be detected by the input-free collectstatic command from Django. So if you are missing any new assets re-run the python manage.py collectstatic command by hand.