Future Factory Website

The documentation for the source code of the Future Factory website

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Future Factory Website Documentation

Over here you can find the documentation for the Future Factory website.

If you are looking for an user manual and not code specific documentation, then take a look at this pdf.

The website is written in Python using the Django framework. At the moment Tom Meulenkamp from RoboTeam Twente is the lead maintainer on this website and is also responsible for hosting it. However, this should not discourage other people from wanting to help and work on this site.

The code structure attempts to make it easy to search through and is written in a way that should not be too complex for someone with some experience with the Django framework.

Although the code has some documentation incorporated into it, this documentation will focus more on the general picture allowing one to understand on how all of these components work together.

Table of Contents

General Information

Most entities have their own module (also known as app) within this project. This allows for a clear distribution between models, views and other stuff.

Class Diagram

Class Diagram


Each page that one sees is built with the Django template system. Every page extends the basis.html template that can be found in /templates. This template handles the basis HTML structure such as meta tags, favicons, the navigation bar and the footer. Each template then inherits this basic template and is able to fill out the following blocks:

Error pages

If a page cannot be found or the server raises an uncaught exception, the user will see an error message. The templates for these pages can be found in /templates and are named according to their HTTP error codes.

Automated image compression

Images are automatically compressed, allowing for quick load times and an overall responsive website. This compression happens on each image field that is defined somewhere in model. This compressing happens on the fly when a model is being created or updated. The compress function can be found in future_factory_website/utils.py.

Note: When using the compress function on an optional ImageField make sure to check if an image is actually selected. The compress cannot handle empty fields. Checking this is done as follows:

class ExampleModel(models.Model):
    image = models.ImageField(null=True, blank=True)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Check if we actually have selected an image.
        if self.image:
            self.image = compress(self.image)
        super(self).save(*args, **kwargs)